» Steroid Pulver » Antiöstrogen SERMs Steroid » Anti Estrogen Anastrozole/Arimidex Powder
  • Anti-Östrogen Anastrozol/Arimidex Pulver

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    Anti Estrogen Steroids Anastrozole Aromasin Powder SERM CAS 120511-73-1

    Anastrozol/Arimidex Basic Info:

    Anastrozole Name Anastrozol, Arimidex
    Anastrozole Alias Armotraz, Anastrol, Egistrozol, Anastrozolo
    Anastrozole CAS 120511-73-1
    Anastrozole Molecular Formula C17H19N5
    Anastrozole Molecular Weight 293.37
    Anastrozole Purity 99.8%
    Anastrozole Appearance off-white color crystalline powder
    Anastrozole Standard USP32
    Anastrozole Package 25KG/Drum
    Anastrozole Storage Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and light.
    Anastrozole Melting Point 81.0 ~ 84.0℃
    Anastrozole Usage Used to treat Breast cancer.

    Anastrozole is a powerful Aromatase Inhibitor (AI)under the brand name Arimidex for the purpose of fighting breast cancer.


    What is Arimidex (Anastrozol)?

    1. Anastrozole is an extremely powerful anti-estrogen officially belonging to the Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) family. Developed in the early 1990’s by Zenaca Pharmaceuticals and released in 1995 under the trade name Arimidex, this is perhaps the most commonly used AI and one of the most common anti-estrogens on the market.


    1. Arimidex has proven to be very effective in breast cancer treatment, even more so than traditional Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrat), and is a favorite anti-estrogen among many anabolic steroid users. Countless anabolic steroid users rely on Arimidex for on cycle estrogenic protection. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to aromatase and lead to excess estrogen, which in turn can lead to some of the most commonly associated side effects of anabolic steroid use.

    1. Arimidex generally works by blocking the aromatoze enzymes, facilitating the decrease in the production of estrogen in the human body. With the decrease in production of Arimidex, the risk of exposure to breast cancer is eliminated. This procedure of treating breast cancer is known as hormonal therapy.


    Anastrozol/Arimidex Application:

    1. Anastrozol/Arimidex & Bodybuilding Anti Eestrogen:

    The functions and traits of Arimidex although powerful are extremely simple. As an AI Arimidex functions by blocking the aromatase enzyme, which is in turn responsible for the production of estrogen. By inhibiting the aromatase process, Arimidex will lower the body’s serum estrogen levels; Tatsächlich, a total suppression of estrogen by 80% has been well noted with this AI. This will prove very beneficial to numerous breast cancer patients and extremely valuable to many anabolic steroid users.


    1. Anastrozol/Arimidex & Breast Cancer:

    Anastrozol (Arimidex) has proven to be very effective in breast cancer treatment, even more so than traditional Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrat), and is a favorite anti-estrogenamong many anabolic steroid users. Countless anabolic steroid users rely on Arimidex for on cycle estrogenic protection. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to aromatase and lead to excess estrogen, which in turn can lead to some of the most commonly associated side effects of anabolic steroid use.


    For the treatment of postmenopausal patients with advanced breast cancer. A potent selective triazole aromatase inhibitor, which inhibits the biosynthesis of estrogen by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme C-450, which is a major factor in stimulating the growth of breast cancer cells. Treatment of breast cancer, especially for those with hormonal adjuvant therapy after the recurrence of postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer.


    III. Anastrozol/Arimidex & LH/FSH:

    Arimidex also has the ability to stimulate the release of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), two hormones essential to natural te-stosterone production. This has led some physicians to use the AI in low te-stosterone treatment plans in place of test-osterone, but it’s generally not the best choice. Arimidex in a low te-stosterone plan is generally better served in conjunction with test-osterone therapy. We will look more into this when we discuss the effects of Arimidex later on.


    Anastrozol/Arimidex COA

    Artikel Standard Ergebnisse
    Beschreibung Weißes, kristallines Pulver Entspricht
    Identifizierung IR
    Conform with standard IR
    Conform with standard HPLC
    Löslichkeit Freely soluble in methanol,acetone,
    ethanol and tetrahydrofuran.
    And very soluble in acetonitrile
    Total Impurity Max.0.5% 0.18%
    Total Unspecified Impurity Max. 0.2% 0.08%
    Individual unspecified impurlty Max. 0.1% 0.05%
    Related compound B Max. 0.2% 0.07%
    Related compound C Max. 0.2% 0.04%
    Related compound D Max. 0.1% 0.05%
    Related compound E Max. 0.1% 0.06%
    Limit of cyclohexane Max. 0.08% ND
    Limit of ethylacetate Max. 0.1% 0.07%
    Schmelzpunkt 81.0~84.0ºC 82.5~83.2ºC
    Wasser Max. 0.3% 0.21%
    Rückstände bei der Zündung Max. 0.1% 0.07%
    Heavy Metals Max.0.001% Entspricht
    Assay(HPLC) 98.0%~102.0% 99.8%
    Lagerung Cool and dry
    Schlussfolgerung It complies to USP32


    Anastrozol/Arimidex Administration:
    The dosage prescribed in all instances is 1mg per day until disease progression has halted. When used to mitigate the estrogenic side effects of anabolic/androgenic steroid use, male athletes and bodybuilders will commonly take .5 mg 1 mg of Anastrozole (Arimidex)pro Tag. In some instances a half of a tablet (.5 mg) taken every other day is sufficient to mitigate the buildup of estrogen. When used with readily aromatizing androgens such as methandrostenolone or testosterone, gynecomastia and water retention are often effectively blocked. Zusätzlich, the use of Anastrozole (Arimidex) may decrease fat mass, which can also be tied to estrogen levels. The result can be a harder and much more defined appearance to the muscles and physique, which makes this agent of interest for dieting/cutting purposes as well.

    Anastrozol/Arimidex Effect

    1) Anastrozole is reducing men estrogens, including estradiol. Excess estradiol in men can cause benign prostatic hyperplasia, Gynäkomastie, and symptoms of hypogonadism.

    2) Anastrozole can contribute to increased risk of stroke, heart attack, chronic inflammation, prostate enlargement

    and prostate cancer. Some athletes and body builders use anastrozole as part of their steroid cycle

    to reduce and prevent symptoms of excess estrogen--gynecomastia, emotional lability and water retention.

    3) Anastrozole used off-label in children with precocious puberty, or children with pubertal gynecomastia. Following the onset of puberty, the epiphyseal plate begins to close due to an increased amount of estrogen production escaping local metabolism and spreading to the circulatory system. It is shown to help slow this process, and increase adult height prediction in adolescent males treated with protein-based peptide hormones for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency.

    Anastrozol/Arimidex vs. Tamoxifen

    Arimidex was as effective as tamoxifen and carried fewer side effects.

    Researchers found Arimidex was as effective as tamoxifen and carried fewer side effects. But in menopausal women oestrogen is mainly produced by changing androgens into oestrogens through a process called aromatisation. This happens mainly in the fatty tissues, muscle and the skin and needs a particular enzyme called aromatase. Arimidex as a type of hormone therapy called an aromatase inhibitor, blocks the process of aromatisation by lowering the amount of oestrogen in the body. In advanced breast cancer the cancer cells may grow more slowly or stop growing completely.

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