» Steroid Pulver » Antiöstrogen SERMs Steroid » Anti Estrogen Clomifene Citrate/Clomid Powder
  • Anti-Östrogen Clomifene Citrate/Clomid Pulver

    Clomifencitrat/Clomid Profil:
    Clomifencitratname: Clomiphene Zitrat
    Clomifencitrat CAS: 50-41-9
    Clomifencitrat MF: C32H36ClNO8
    Clomifene Citrate MW: 598.08
    Clomifencitrat EINECS: 200-035-3
    Clomifen Citrat Produktkategorien: Aromaten;

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    Anti Östrogen Sicheres Steroid weißes Pulver 50-41-9 Clomid Clomifene Citrate


    Clomifencitrat/Clomid Profil:
    Clomifencitratname: Clomiphene Zitrat
    Clomifencitrat CAS: 50-41-9
    Clomifencitrat MF: C32H36ClNO8
    Clomifene Citrate MW: 598.08
    Clomifencitrat EINECS: 200-035-3
    Clomifen Citrat Produktkategorien: Aromaten;


    Clomifencitrat/Clomid Spezifikation

    Clomifencitratname Clomifencitrat
    Clomifene Citrate CAS Registry Number 50-41-9
    Clomifene Citrate Appearance weißes Krytallinpulver
    Clomifene Citrate Grade Pharmazeutischer Qualität
    Clomifene Citrate Purity 99%
    Clomifene Citrate Standard ISO9001
    Clomifene Citrate Minimum order quantity 10g
    Clomifene Citrate Price Verhandelbar

    Was ist Clomifencitrat(Clomid)?

    Clomifencitrat(Clomid) is a powerfully effective anti-estrogen officially classified as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator(SERM). In many ways, it is very similar to another popular SERM in Nolvadex(Tamoxifen Citrat). Clomid first gained worldwide attention in the early 1970’s as a strong fertility aid and is still used for that purpose today.


    Clomifencitrat(Clomid) is also one of the most commonly used SERM’s by anabolic steroid users. Nein, it is not an anabolic steroid but can be used to combat estrogenic side effects sometimes caused by anabolic steroids. It can also be used as a Post Cycle Therapy(Pct) medication in order to stimulate suppressed testosterone production due to anabolic steroid use. PCT use of Clomid is the most common purpose and most beneficial point of use for the anabolic steroid user.


    Clomifencitrat/Clomid Bodybuilding Application:

    1: Clomid is also helpful for athletes and bodybuilders. In the bodybuilding world, this drug’s key role is of an anti-estrogen. It not only curtails the effects of estrogen in the body, but also is used to slow catabolism after a steroid cycle.

    2: In bodybuilding or other sports, Clomid is prescribed for its multiple health benefits and less side effects as it is not an anabolic/androgenic steroid. Being an anti-estrogen, the drug helps in restoring the natural production of testosterone by the body. It is mainly prefered because it is arecovery drugand is mainly used to overcome from the negative effects of other steroids cycle and is taken at the end of a cycle.

    3: After a steroid cycle or due to steroid side effects, your estrogen levels become the dominant hormone while the testosterone level remains low. To resume the normal production and level of testosterone and to make catabolic hormone cortisol, which may eat away most of your muscle gains during steroid cycle, ineffective an anti-estrogen is must for users. And in this role Clomid is an ideal choice to opt



    Anti-Östrogen-Steroide CAS-Nr..
    Exemestane 107868-30-4
    Clomifencitrat (Clomid) 50-41-9
    Letrozol 112809-51-5
    Trilostan 13647-35-3
    Anastrozol 120511-73-1
    Fulvestrant 129453-61-8
    Tamoxifen Citrat 54965-24-1
    Raloxifenhydrochlorid 82640-04-8
    Flutamid 13311-84-7


    Tamoxifen Citrat CAS-Nr.: 563.64
    Clomifencitrat CAS-Nr.: 50-41-9
    Toremifene Citrat CAS-Nr.: 89778-27-8
    Exemestane CAS-Nr.: 107868-30-4
    Anastrozol CAS-Nr.: 120511-73-1
    Letrozol CAS-Nr.: 112809-51-5
    Fulvestrant CAS-Nr.: 129453-61-8

    Clomifencitrat/Clomid Funktionen:
    Ich. Clomifencitrat/Clomid as Resistant Hormone Drugs
    Clomiphene citrate is a kind of anti-hormonal drugs, also known as chloridyl chloride at the end of phenolic amine, clopidogrel amine, Shujing phenol, clomiphene, clomiphene citrate, has strong anti-estrogen effect and Weak estrogen effect, easy to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and slowly through the liver excretion to the bile duct, clinically applicable to the treatment of estrogen levels in the body of anovulation or less ovulation female infertility, corpus luteum insufficiency And oligospermia male infertility, Also used to test ovarian function and detect male hypothalamic(pituitary) gonadal axis dysfunction. The mechanism of action is through the competitive hypothalamic estrogen receptor binding sites play a role. Estrogens are displaced from these sites where the hypothalamus perceives a marked lack of circulating estrogen, leading to gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulation of follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) und luteinisierendes Hormon(LH) secretion, which trigger a normal menstrual cycle .

    III. Clomifencitrat/Clomid as PCT Drugs
    When a steroid user runs a cycle their HPTA becomes suppressed; as a result, their bodies LH and FSH drop to almost zero(0) and their body stops producing testosterone. Their testicles typically will shrink as the body realizes there are too many hormones present and it’s not necessary to produce more. Also, when you come off a cycle it’s important to run a PCT(post cycle therapy) to help recover the body’s HPTA.

    III. Clomifencitrat/Clomid as Testosterone Level
    Clomid stimulates the hypophysis to release more gonadotropins. Gonadotropins are protein hormones that are secreted by gonadotrope cells of the pituitary gland and stimulate faster and higher release of follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) und luteinisierendes Hormon(LH). When an increase in gonadotropins happens, the rise in LH will spike up the total testosterone levels allowing the user to artificially maintain high testosterone levels until their own body is able to recover, thus maintaining gains.

    Clomifencitrat/Clomid Dosierung Planning
    Woche 1: Clomid 150mg per day
    Woche 2: Clomid 150mg per day
    Woche 3: Clomid 100mg per day
    Woche 4: Clomid 100mg per day
    Woche 5: Clomid 50mg per day


    If you’re going to put it into your body from medicine to hormones or in this case a SERM you are going to want to know the proper dose; after all, without this information it’s unlikely you’re going to be able to use it correctly. Like many things a Clomid dosage can vary quite dramatically but one thing is for certain the average Clomid dosage among many performance enhancers is far too low. It is very common to see a Clomid dosage of 50mg per day for Post Cycle therapy(Pct) purposes and while there is a use for this dose during PCT it should be noted, 50mg of this SERM is about the equivalent of 10mg of Nolvadex.


    Before you stack this drug, having an idea about Clomid dosage is quite beneficial. The common dosage for Clomid is 300mg for day 1; 100mg per day for days 2-11; and 50mg/day for days 12-21. However for nonmedical purposes, the suggested dose of the drug is 50-100 mg/day for 4-6 Wochen.


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