» Nachrichten & Unterstützung » How to Self-inject Testosterone Injection
  • Gewusst wie: Testosteron Injektion Selbstinjektion

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    Gewusst wie: Testosteron Injektion Selbstinjektion

    Self-injection can sound like a difficult task, aber wenn Sie verstehen, wie es gemacht wird, you’ll appreciate the fact that it is not worth any anxiety. By now you might be asking yourself; where do I start? Be calm, slow and breathe in. Here is what to do:


    Ensure that you have the right dosage of the Testosterone Cypionate- Counter check that you have the correct dosage of this drug before giving an injection.

    Get a sterile, appropriate needle and syringe- To have a Testosterone Cypionate injection; it is advised that you use a sterile needle that has not been used in the past. Always use one that is clean and capped anytime you want to have an injection. You need to know that Testosterone Cypionate is relatively oily and viscous and you should, therefore, use a thicker needle to draw up the drug. Thick needles are painful so to prevent this; you can replace it with a thinner one once its time to give the injection. Please note that once the needle or syringe drops, it is no longer sterile and you got no option other than throwing it away.


    Clean your hands thoroughly and put on sterile gloves- A thorough hand cleaning prevents you from infections, and if your gloves come into contact with any objects or surfaces that are not sanitized, you should replace them.


    Draw up the right dose- To do this inject air into the bottle to raise the internal air pressure. The advantage of this is that you can quickly draw this drug despite its thickness. You can then turn the bottle upside down and get the exact dosage of medication that you need.


    Now switch to a smaller needle-There’s no need to subject yourself to extreme pain when there is something you can do to make the procedure a bit painless. To ensure that the medication does not spill as you do this, hold the needle point-up, draw some air and remove it. Use the gloved hand and replace with a thinner one. It must also be sterile and unused.


    Aspirate the syringe-When it comes to injections, any air bubble that gets into the body could cause a severe problem. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, you need to aspirate. What you do is hold the syringe pointing up with the needle uncapped. Look carefully for any air bubbles that may be on the syringe. Flick from the side to make them move to the top. Once you ensure that the drug is bubble free, force the air out. To know that it is all out, wait for a drop of the solution to come out of the syringe’s tip. Take caution when doing this to avoid spilling on the floor.


    Prepare the injection site-This injection should be given on the top outside part or the upper back region of the thigh. These are not the only areas that the injection can be injected, but they are the commonest. Use sterile alcohol to wipe the area. By doing this, bacteria got no place on your skin, and it also prevents infections. To avoid hurting blood vessels or nerves, choose an injection site that is on the top outside section of the glute.


    Injizieren- Wondering how to inject Testosterone? Hold the syringe containing the drug 90 degrees above the disinfected injection area. Quickly push it in and slightly draw it out. In case you notice any blood inside the syringe that means that you’ve hurt a vein. Get another suitable area and inject the drug steadily. Feeling a little discomfort or pain is normal but if the pain is extreme stop it and contact a doctor immediately.


    Take care of the injection area once you’ve pulled out the needle. To do this effectively, check for the needle’s entry point and place a clean cotton ball. Dispose of all the used needles and syringes properly. If you experience any abnormal swelling, redness or discomfort, contact a physician immediately.


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    Politik und Service:

    - Lieferung: Pakete würden innerhalb 12 Stunden nach Erhalt Ihrer Zahlung.- Verpackung: Verpackung wie traditionelle chinesische Küche, Wasch- und Badegegenstände und sonstige Ausrüstung, Etc...

    - brauch: Steroide Pulver würden diskret genug verpackt werden, um Zoll weltweit sicher zu überqueren.- Service: Paketfotos würden für Sie zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um die Steroide auseinander zu unterscheiden. Tracking-Nummer würde angeboten werden, sobald es online ist.

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    Allgemeine Richtlinien für die Nachverfolgung:

    * Paket würde mit 12 Stunden nach Eingang Ihrer Zahlung.

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    Bestellung & Verpackungsinformationen:

    1.Zahlungsbedingungen: Western Union, Money Gram, T/T, Bitcoin

    2.Lieferzeit: Innerhalb 12 Stunden nach der Zahlung

    3.Versorgungsfähigkeit: Plenty auf Lager

    4.Verpackung: Spezielle getarnte Verpackung oder als Ihre Nachfrage

    5.Lieferung: EMS, DHL, FedEx, Expresskurier.


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