Testosteron Sustanon

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Laboratorium dostaw DECA proszek gotowanie procedura

Laboratorium dostaw DECA proszek gotowanie procedura

I can provide you high quality raw powders. Then i will help you convert powder int injection step by step with the picture. It is easy for you, sure you can get it. Na przykład : Nandrolone Decanoate Powder Conversion Recipes 1.Deca for 5 gramów 25 Ml @ 200 mg/ml 5 grams powder 16.25ml sesame oil 1.25ml BA 5% 3.75ml BB 15% Step1: Odważyć 5 grams powder Step 2: Add Solvents and oil to the Beaker Step 3: Add the steroid powder to the Beaker containing oil and solvents Step 4: Stir steroid powder into solution Step 5: push the solution through the whatman syringe filter into the sterile vial, then you will get the injection Our advantages Quality assurance With our years of experience, Zaawansowana technologia i ciągłe badania, …