» Nachrichten & Unterstützung » How To Construct Steroid Cycles for a Begainner?
  • Gewusst wie: Steroid-Zyklen für eine Begainner zu konstruieren?

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    How To Construct Steroid Cycles for a Begainner?

    Beim Bau Ihres Zyklus, Sie sollten bestimmte Richtlinien beachten, die Sie verwenden sollten. Wenn Sie daran denken, zu beginnen Ihre erste Steroid Zyklus, Sie könnten eine Menge Fragen haben.. Steroide-Zyklen können an einen Neuling kompliziert sein.. Das größere Problem ist Ihr Mangel an Verständnis für die Funktionsweise der Hormone. Most individuals on their first cycles are not able to reach their potential because they are not sure about what they want and how to go about it. There have even been cases where people have started taking anabolic steroids randomly, with disastrous effects.

    To start, off there are some basic questions that you should ask yourself such as: how to steroid cycle (Herausgegeben von Hongxipharm)

    • What are your goals? – Is it to bulk up, lean out, to wet bulk, to dry or lean bulk etc.
    • What are your favorite compounds of choice and are you open to using anything new?
    • You should also ask yourself what your time frame is – 8 Wochen, 12 Wochen, 16 Wochen, 22 weeks or 30 Wochen?
    • What are the compounds you have access to?
    • What are the quantities of these compounds in total grams or mgs.
    • How many days do you train and how good is your pre/post workout nutrition? This part is very important, as 80% Diet 15% Training 5% gear should be the rule.
    • What is your prior history to using AAS – if you did them before did you have any side effects?
    • Other factors to take into consideration are general experience to AAS. There is no point in asking a first timer to combine short and long esters and throw in two orals.

    It should be a basic rule that you should keep your first cycle simple and easy and run your first cycle with LONG esters. Auch, always run your first cycle with a long ester of test. You should also keep in mind that bulking is easier with AAS than cutting, so it’s best to try to bulk on your first cycle.
    You should also not try to achieve too many things in your first cycle and keep in mind that your first cycle is all about trial, error and learning how compounds react to your body as people’s bodies react differently. Having an understanding of how your diet works with your cycle is also crucial. You should also acclimatize your bodies caloric needs to suit your cycle and the compounds you are using for your cycle. You should never treat your body like a roller coaster or a lab experiment. Blood levels take time to adapt so there is no point in running an ester-based hormone for a week and bumping it up a few notches. No point whatsoever to this.

    Steroid Dosage Schedule And Cycle:

    An anabolic steroid cycles refers to the time frame anabolic steroids are being used. This time frame is often referred to as “On-Cycle.” When steroids are not being used, this is referred to as “Off-Cycle.” For the on-cycle phase, there are countless options and stacks. “Stacks” refer to the combination of anabolic steroids as well as non-steroidal items used during the on-cycle phase. With hundreds of anabolic steroids, varying peptide hormones, SERM’s, AI’s, thyroid hormones and more, there are truly innumerable possible stacks. The options are so vast, every stack and cycle you undertake could be completely different. Jedoch, most steroid users will become comfortable with certain stacks; they’ll discover specific combinations that yield the best results, and they will stick with those plans.

    Regardless of the stack or cycle you run, there are general rules and advisements that will help keep you safe. Zum Beispiel, the primary rule of every cycle is that it includes some form of testosterone. The form of testosterone used is of no consequence. The only thing that matters is that the body has enough of this essential hormone in order to function properly. (The use of essential testosterone does not apply to female anabolic steroid cycles)

    Beyond testosterone there are several recommendations, general rules of thumb that most stacks and cycles are advised to follow. We’ll go over these, along with the testosterone rule in more depth, and in doing so, ensure your success. By following these rules, you will increase your chances of an enjoyable, safe and successful steroid cycle, and that is important; after all, if it’s not safe we can in no way call it successful.

    What Dosage of an Anabolic Steroid Should You Take on Each Cycle?

    The dosage is very important and it will determine the benefits you receive. To see gains you will have to take a large dose (a substantial improvement over a therapeutic dose). Below the therapeutic dose, the body may suppress the endogenous Testosterone. A 100mg dose of Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate in a week is considered a therapeutic dose. But if the dosage is increased to 250 or 500mg per week, it will start supporting muscle growth.

    Compounds that can be used in a first time anabolic steroid cycle

    • Testosteron Cypionate
    • Testosteron Enanthate
    • Testosteronpropionat

    Compounds for subsequent anabolic steroid cycles

    • Testosteron Enanthate
    • Testosteron Cypionate
    • Testosteronpropionat
    • Equipoise
    • Deca Durobolin

    Compounds that can be used after some cycle experience has been gained

    • Nandrolon
    • Dianabol
    • Anavar
    • Injectable Primobolan

    Compounds that should only be taken by advanced users

    • Anadrol
    • Masteron
    • Trenbolon

    A Typical First Time Steroid Cycle

    • From week 1 An 12- Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate (250-500mg every week).
    • From week 13 An 15- No anabolic steroids. This is an off period to allow the Testosterone to clear from your body.
    • From week 16 An 17- Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) 40mg every day.
    • From week 18 An 19- Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) 20mg every day.

    The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all steroid cycle for beginners. Factors like the individual’s weight, age and height will make a difference. Every bodybuilder will need a custom cycle that is designed keeping his body features and individual goals in mind.

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    - Lieferung: Pakete würden innerhalb 12 Stunden nach Erhalt Ihrer Zahlung.- Verpackung: Verpackung wie traditionelle chinesische Küche, Wasch- und Badegegenstände und sonstige Ausrüstung, Etc...

    - brauch: Steroide Pulver würden diskret genug verpackt werden, um Zoll weltweit sicher zu überqueren.- Service: Paketfotos würden für Sie zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um die Steroide auseinander zu unterscheiden. Tracking-Nummer würde angeboten werden, sobald es online ist.

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    5.Lieferung: EMS, DHL, FedEx, Expresskurier.


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