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معلومات مفيده حول ستانوزولول وينسترول عن طريق الفم

معلومات مفيده حول ستانوزولول وينسترول عن طريق الفم

معلومات مفيده عن الشفوي وينسترول وينسترول ستانوزولول مسحوق وصفه 40ml @ 25mg/ml 100ml @ 50mg/ml وينسترول مسحوق 1g 5g 190 دليل الحبوب الكحول 31.2 ml-PEG 300 7.5مل – بنزوات البنزيل – 24ml (24%) بوليسوربات 80 – 3ml (3%) الماء المقطر – 62.5 مل البنزيل الكحول – 3ml (3%) Winstrol الجرعة وينسترول يمنحك براعة للاختيار بين الفم أو عن طريق الحقن …

Mesterolone بروفيرون الجرعة المنشطة عن طريق الفم ودوره

Mesterolone بروفيرون الجرعة المنشطة عن طريق الفم ودوره

بروفيرون الخام (Mesterolone) الجرعة Mesterolone, أفضل الستيرويد المنشطة عن طريق الفم, يتم استخدامه بطريقتين مختلفهين; للأغراض الطبية لعلاج بعض الامراض ولكمال الأجسام. فوائد بروفيرون كثيره ولكن يمكن ان يتمتع فقط عندما تدار جرعات الحق. سيتم مناقشه الجرعات الموصي بها لكل غرض أدناه. وينبغي ان تؤخذ قرص 25 ملغ في اليوم ثلاث مرات …

الستيرويد مقابل هرمون النمو البشري

الستيرويد مقابل هرمون النمو البشري

الستيرويد مقابل هرمون النمو البشري كما نعلم جميعا, الستيرويد وهرمون النمو البشري هو الأكثر المنتجات الاساسيه لكمال الأجسام. التشابه واحده ,يتم توليفها علي حد سواء ويفرز في جسم الإنسان, والاخر هو, كلاهما ضروري للنمو الطبيعي والتنمية. (تم التحرير بواسطة Hongxipharm) الفرق المصدر: هرمون النمو البشري (هرمون النمو) هو بروتين …

Trenbolone اينونثات الجرعة ودوره

Trenbolone اينونثات الجرعة ودوره

دوره اينونثات trenbolone دوره Trenbolone نموذجيه يدوم ما يصل إلى ثمانيه أسابيع, ولكن يمكن للمستخدمين المتقدمين القيام 12 أسابيع. الخاصية الأكثر مذهله من اينونثات Trenbolone هو انه يمكنك كومه مع اي العاص أخرى. يمكنك ان تفعل التراص للتقليل من الآثار الجانبية وتعزيز أداء الستيرويد. ضمان لدمج التستوستيرون في خارج الموسم …

10 نصائح للمبتدئين كمال الأجسام

10 نصائح للمبتدئين كمال الأجسام

10 نصائح لكمال الأجسام المبتدئين كمال الأجسام يمكن ان تساعدك علي حرق الدهون, اكتساب العضلات, and can even make you more intelligent. And luckily, getting into the swing of bodybuilding isn’t as hard as you think. Even better, if you’re a beginner, you’ll notice some accelerated results from bodybuilding in the first few weeks. إنه, as long as you follow some

SARMs and Steroid Advantage and Usage

SARMs and Steroid Advantage and Usage

SARMs and Steroid Advantage and Usage Selective androgen receptor modulators or SARMs for short are often marketed online assafe steroids”, but experts say the science is still in its infancy and their long-term safety is unknown. Are SARMS safer than steroids? Anabolic steroids are linked with liver damage and other side effects, so many body builders have been looking

ماسترون بروبيونات الجرعة ودورة

ماسترون بروبيونات الجرعة ودورة

Masteron propionate dosage Understanding the Masteron propionate dosage is important because it will keep you away from troubles that could catch up with you in case you do not use it as it is supposed to. In-depth knowledge in theMasteron propionate dosage will also help you decide which amount to take to get maximum Masteron benefits. The standard Masteron dosage

What is the full steroid cycle?

What is the full steroid cycle?

What is the full steroid cycle? More and more bodybuilders are using steroids, but they know little about steroid cycle. The key components to a complete steroid cycle are: Front end loading this cuts down on wasted time in the beginning of your cycle waiting for the doses to reach full therapeutic levels . The use of orals in the

How to inject steroids in your muscles

How to inject steroids in your muscles

Before the injection 1. The first thing that you need to do before you inject steroids, is to make sure that the area where you will be injected is relaxed and does not have any kind of infection or allergy on it. 2. Fill the barrel of the injection with the steroid and then tap on the barrel to make

How To Use Steroids in Proper Ways

How To Use Steroids in Proper Ways

How To Use Steroids in Proper Ways Do Research Before you learn how to take steroids, you should do some research on the different types that are available so you can get a better idea as to which ones might be right for you. You should study their characteristics in order to learn a little bit about what you can

History Of Anabolic Steroids

History Of Anabolic Steroids

History Of Anabolic Steroids Hundreds of people visit The Steroid World every day in need of information for projects, essays, and other school studies, so we included a short history on anabolic steroids. 100 years ago Evidence shows that at least one scientist reported 100 years ago that testosterone is the cause of masculine features in males. But 100 سنوات …

أوكسيميثولوني – الستيرويد الرجل الذي ادلي

أوكسيميثولوني – الستيرويد الرجل الذي ادلي

أوكسيميثولوني – The Man Made Steroid Oxymetholone is an anabolic man-made steroid, with hormones corresponding to testosterone and is commonly used to cure anemia. The mechanism of the drug works in increasing the hormone which creates red blood cells. Use It is frequently used to deal with different type’s deficiency of red blood cells, inclusive of aplastic anemia, myelofibrosis and

Why is Dinabol so popular in the fitness circle?

Why is Dinabol so popular in the fitness circle?

Why is Dinabol so popular in the fitness circle? 1. Weight gain: The effect of vigorously accumulating appears very quickly and is very eye-catching. Within a few weeks of using Dianabol, individuals can add up to 20 pounds of weight, which is also the most common use, and the user’s power will increase significantly during this phase of use. This

Why shoud we do PCT after cycle?

Why shoud we do PCT after cycle?

Why shoud we do PCT after cycle? Every steroid user has his or her own cycle, and PCT is also based on personal circumstances. But a real cycle can maintain its muscles very well, and can restore to an acceptable hormone level is different from person to person. I’ve refined the functions you need to restore in PCT: 1. Start

بولدينون وصفة الشراب المنزلي

بولدينون وصفة الشراب المنزلي

نزهاء (بولدينون يونيديلينات) homebrew recipe The Boldenone Undecylenate recipe for the steroid liquid is as follows EQ 300mg/ml Recipe for 100ml Grapeseed oil 62.5ml Benzyl Benzoate 10ml (10%) كحول البنزيل 2 مل (2%) بولدينون أونديسيلينات 30 جم (25.5مل)   بولدينون خلات وصفة الشراب المنزلي (قائمة) وصفة خلات بولدينون; Boldenone Acetate 100mg/ml 100ml @100mg/ml 18% Benzyl Benzoate 18ml 2%Benzyl Alcohol 2ml 100g Boldenone

Difference between Trenbolone Acetate VS Trenbolone Enanthate

Difference between Trenbolone Acetate VS Trenbolone Enanthate

Difference between Trenbolone Acetate VS Trenbolone Enanthate The main difference between the two subjects is actually esters. Tren E is featured by relatively less esters and peaks slowly, leaving the system slowly. On the other hand, Tren A has more esters, peaks comparatively faster and also leaves the system faster. Functional aspects Tren A is considered better in terms of